Sunday, June 24, 2007

Taken From Traumatic Friday

Friday !!! a traumatic friday indeed....

i m still feeling sick lar... haiz

2day my class starts at 4 so we went out for bus around 3 as we waited... for the bus.... the bus tak muncul muncul oso ... so i walked to happy mansion there to c... mana tau sdah tak ada orang so i ask aubrey my housemate to come over... as he walks closer he stop nearby the bus stop....under a big i was calling him to come over to wait for a cab.... he was awlking slowly den ...i suggested him to ask kylie to fetch us... so he sms while standing under that bloody tree to kylie....

thn the accident occured .... a very well dressed mannered man riding his motor den slowed down as i never thought such well dressed man wil hav such evil instinct .... his eyes looked at aubrey's Hp n like an eagle POOF he grabs his phone... i saw the whole inccident rite infront of my very own bare eyes.... as the mans eye look at his hp i ran as i was too late d... i threw my huge bag at him but it missed .. but as he dodge he almost fell but he manage to gain control of his bike .... so he sped off ... Aubrey was so traumatised a that time... as dunno how to console him .... my fellow frenz please b careful ....especialy a very well dressed indian guy, quite fat or shud i say chubby, very thick moustache riding on a nise bike.... bcareful my frenz... he is the one... he even hav a very big eye as well ..... i can remember his face for life... as i meet him 1 day i m gona kick his ass for sure.....

2day is not so good as well... Kylie oso met and accident on her way home... her care got bang at the bak ....bcareful next time.... very dangerous especialy girls.... this is very bad sign ...
hope evry1 is ok !!!!

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